Legal notes

Company name: Società Agricola La Raia s.s.

Head office: strada Monterotondo 79, 15067 Novi Ligure (AL) Italia

REA number: (AL) 217552

VAT: 01998450066

Registrar of Companies of Alessandria: 01998450066

Privacy Policy

(Pursuant to articles 13 and 14 to the EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament on personal data protection 2016/679 – “GDPR”)

This policy explains how SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA LA RAIA S.S. collects, uses and saves your personal data. In this policy the term “personal data” means any information concerning the identified or identifiable natural person, the term “processing” means any procedure for the collection, recording, organization, saving, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, broadcasting, circulation or any other procedure to make personal data available, compared or interconnected, limited, deleted or destroyed.

Further information may be requested to the following email address:

  1. OWNER OF DATA PROCESSING: who is in charge with the processing of your personal data? All of your personal data are processed by SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA LA RAIA S.S.; as the processing “owner”, SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA LA RAIA S.S. establishes the data processing’s purpose and means. The Owner may be contacted by email
  2. PERSONAL DATA’S SOURCE AND CATEGORIES: where does SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA LA RAIA S.S. obtain your personal data from and what data does it use? You directly provide your personal data (including first name, last name, email address, phone number, etc.) by:

    - filling this form on SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA LA RAIA S.S.’s domains, or on the domains of other companies’ linked to La Raia’s environment;

    - sending us an email;

    - meetings during events;

    - social networks;

    - filling forms during a visit to our premises.
  3. PURPOSE OF DATA PROCESSING: why does SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA LA RAIA S.S. process your data and according to what law? Your data may be processed, on an ad hoc basis, for the following purposes:

    a) to handle your request for information or to send you commercial offers. Legal basis of the processing: precontractual;

    b) to handle possible orders. Legal basis of the processing: contractual;

    c) for administrative and fiscal purposes. Legal basis of the processing: contractual;

    d) to analyse you job application, upon your request. Legal basis of the processing: contractual;

    e) to handle your reservations at the “Locanda”. Legal basis of the processing: contractual.

    f) to keep you updated by newsletter about news, promotional messages, events and more generally about La Raia’s world. Legal basis of the processing: express consent. It is hereby specified that you can at any time unsubscribe from our newsletters following the procedure described on the newsletter or at the bottom of this policy.

    For the purposes listed above, from “a” to “e” data processing is mandatory, so no express consent is requested to you: in case you do not consent, we won’t be able to continue the relationship with you.

    As concerns point “f” (marketing activities) processing is subject to your express consent.
  4. CO-OWNERSHIP: the owner of data processing informs that the following companies:

    - Società Agricola La Raia s.s.,

    - Tenimenti Rossi Cairo Distribuzione S.r.l. - strada Monterotondo 79, 15067 Novi Ligure (AL) Italy- VAT No.: 02503710069

    - Tenuta Cucco Azienda Agricola S.S.A. - Via Mazzini 10, 12050 Serralunga d’Alba – Cuneo – Italy- VAT No.:00313870040

    - Fondazione La Raia - Strada Monterotondo 79 - Novi Ligure (AL) – Italy - CF 92032870062

    have entered a co-ownership agreement (pursuant to Art. 26 of the EU GDPR 2016/679) whose main purpose is: “the knowledge and promotion of the region’s culture and the companies’ products by updates dispatch and cultural initiatives”.

    In this regard, just for marketing purposes, the data we obtain with your express consent will be also processed by the companies listed above for the same purposes.
  5. CATEGORIES OF PERSONAL DATA PROCESSED: whom may the data be given to? For the purposes listed above, the people in SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA LA RAIA S.S. who may get to know the personal data are the employees (and similar staff) working both in the headquarters and main services, and in branches (expressly appointed as “data processing managers”), who perform in the name of and on behalf of SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA LA RAIA S.S. technical and consulting tasks, such as:

    - administrative, financial, commercial, marketing, organizational services;

    - IT services for handling reservations, software and hardware and data storage;

    the full list of the data processing managers is available with the Owner upon request.

    Following your online orders, data may be conveyed to companies belonging to the electronic payment networks mentioned on our website, that will act as independent data processing owners. Moreover, for marketing purposes, following your express consent, data will be processed by the companies that signed the co-ownership agreement mentioned above.

    To the competent authorities, (for instance the Locanda’s guests’ data) to fulfil legal obligations, rules, EU regulations, legal or regulatory authorities’ instructions or the public interest.
  6. DATA TRANSFER OUTSIDE THE EU: can your data be transferred abroad? Even outside the EU? SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA LA RAIA S.S. normally processes the data inside the EU or in third countries that respect the EU’s guarantee criteria.

    Nevertheless, exclusively for marketing activities and due to the IT platform used, data can be stored in the USA, that guarantee data security standards different to the European Union’s ones.
  7. RETENTION PERIOD OF PERSONAL DATA: how long are your data stored? Your data will be processed by SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA LA RAIA S.S. for the time strictly necessary for:

    a, b) commercial purposes: 2 years;

    c) administrative and fiscal purposes: 10 years;

    d) analysis of job applications: 2 months (necessary time for the evaluation);

    e) reservations at the “Locanda”: handling of the reservation + 1 year.

    f) marketing: 2 years since the last activity
  8. PROFILING: can your data be processed by profiling? SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA LA RAIA S.S. doesn’t perform personal data profiling activities; in other words, it doesn’t process data by default in order to analyse specific personal aspects.
  9. PERSONAL DATA RIGHTS: what are your rights concerning your data processing? You can exercise the following rights:
  • Access to the data stored by SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA LA RAIA S.S, which implies the right to obtain from SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA LA RAIA S.S. the confirmation whether a personal data processing is in progress or not;
  • Data correction if they are incomplete or incorrect;
  • Data deletion when the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they had been collected or processed, if the involved party opposes the processing, if the personal data are processed illicitly, if the personal data must be deleted to fulfil a legal obligation established by the EU law or by the law of the country which SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA LA RAIA S.S. is subject to;
  • Processing restriction, if the involved party contests the personal data’s correctness, for the time that the data processing Owner needs to check those personal data’s correctness; when the processing is illicit and the involved party opposes the personal data’s deletion and requires, instead, a use restriction; when, although the data processing Owner does not need them any longer for the processing, the involved party still needs the personal data for a right’s inspection, exercise or defence in court; when the involved party opposed the processing while waiting for the inspection concerning the possible existence of lawful reasons for the data processing owner over the involved party’s ones.
  • Portability, which is the involved party’s right to obtain their personal data in a common use format, easily readable on electronic devices, so that they can be transferred to a new personal data owner, provided that the processing is based on consent or contract, the data are provided by the involved party and the processing is performed with automated devices.

The rights mentioned above can be exercised upon a written request sent to Concerning the marketing purposes, your rights can be equally exercised with the other companies listed in paragraph § 4 with which SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA LA RAIA S.S. has entered a co-ownership agreement.

You also have the right to file a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority concerning the way your personal data are processed by your data processing owner



The owner of personal data processing


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The website of La Raia exclusively uses technical cookies that hold no personally identifiable information. If you have questions regarding the use of cookies and their specifications, the action taken by the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data is available online at and indicates that prior consent is not necessary for use of “technical cookies” and that it is required and sufficient to supply users with detailed information on how to manage and disable them.

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If you eliminate the use of cookies, certain functions necessary to navigate the site will not be available. We inform you that at any time you can disable the use of cookies on your computer by changing the configuration of your browser. The methods depend on the browser used and are described in the help menu. The table below outlines how to enable/disable the use of cookies for the most popular browsers:

Internet Explorer

Go to ‘Tools’ in the menu bar and then click on ‘Internet Options’

Click on the ‘Privacy’ tab and then ‘Sites’.

In the ‘Address of Website’ box, type the website address (URL) and then click ‘Block’ or ‘Allow’.


Select ‘Preferences’, and then click ‘Privacy’ and ‘Configure cookies’


Select the Chrome menu icon, then Settings.

Near the bottom of the page, select Show advanced settings.

In the “Privacy” section, select Content settings.

In the ‘Cookies’ section you can modify the following settings: Cancel cookies; Block all cookies;

Allow all cookies; Allow cookies only from certain websites or domains.


Select Tools and then Options on the menu bar.

Select the Privacy panel.

Set ‘Firefox will:’ to ‘Use custom settings for history’.

Check mark ‘Accept cookies from sites’ and click on exceptions to choose websites to authorize.


Click on: Settings > Preferences >> Advanced > Cookies

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Google Analytics

The website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google, Inc.

Google Analytics uses “cookies” that are stored on your computer to analyze how users interact with the site. The information generated by cookies about use of the website is transmitted and stored on Google servers and will be managed in accordance with the privacy policy of Google, Inc. The company La Raia owns the website and and uses this information in order to understand the use of the website by its users.

All information gathered is always anonymous and aggregate.

For more information, please refer to the privacy of Google Analytics.